Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Zucchini & Carrot Koftas

These were made in an ebelskiver pan rather than deep-fried. The recipe is from Just a Girl from Aamchi Mumbai. These weren't actually crisp, as I didn't quite manage to squeeze all the water out of the veggies. However, I liked the flavor, and didn't mind. It was a nice way to get one's veggies! 

Just a Girl from Aamchi Mumbai Website, Zucchini & Carrot Koftas

Rava Idli (Savory Steamed Dumplings)

These steamed dumplings from South India are from the recipe of Nisha Madhulika on YouTube, and made from rava/sooji/farina/like Cream of Wheat. I steamed them in an Instant Pot (not sponsored 😉), basing it on Instapottin with Poonam's instructions for Dhokla. These Rava Idli were simple but tasty. I used an egg poacher, but now that I know the method that works, I should get an idli steamer! 

Nisha Madhulika Website, Rava Idli Recipe [English] 

Nisha Madhulika YouTube, Rava Idli Recipe  

Instapottin with Poonam Website, Dhokla

Instapottin with Poonam YouTube, Dhokla