Saturday, June 2, 2018

Iraqi Chickpea Sambousek 
(Savory Turnover, like Samosas)

Throwback to: this recipe from the post of March 3. Actually, while these are from the same batch as that, the photo here is newer. I put most of the unbaked Sambousek in the freezer, and experimented recently to see the difference between baking the frozen ones, and pan-frying them. Baking them was easier but took longer. Frying them, covered, took less time, and I liked the results a little better. Maybe next time, I'll just fry them, and then freeze them. Well, anyway, they were tasty, and they're all gone now!

Allrecipes Website, Sambusaks (Sumboosaks) with Chickpeas, recipe by Nurit Cusack

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