Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Punjabi Kadhi Pakora
(Onion Fritters in Buttermilk Sauce)

These were from the recipe of Veg Recipes of India. I made Kadhi (sauce) with Pakora (fritters) once, long, long ago, when I was first learning to cook Indian cuisine ... but not since! I was inspired to make it now, as a way to use up the liquid (whey) left over from making Paneer/Chenna (Indian cheese).

I've read that this liquid can be used in any recipe in place of buttermilk, and indeed I've used it with success in muffins and such. So, why not Kadhi, too? The base of several Punjabi Kadhi recipes I've seen, was either yogurt or buttermilk, so I hope this isn't too outlandish. And while I was experimenting, why not make the Pakoras in an ebelskiver pan, rather than deep-frying? (The recipe says you can also bake them.)

The results? I found the Kadhi with this liquid to be too acidic (which isn't so good for me), so next time, I'll use yogurt according to the recipe. Otherwise, I liked it! The Pakoras weren't crisp, but then, I can never get anything I fry (except sometimes bread) to become crispy. The recipe called for mixing sliced onions with the batter ingredients (except water), and setting aside for 30 minutes first. I think this contributed to the onions just melting into the fritters, with a sweet taste. Yummy.

Sometimes I find chickpea flour (used in the Pakoras) to be too heavy, so I added a bit of baking soda to the batter (not in the recipe). Oops, I realized that turmeric + baking soda = red, too late. 😉 The Pakoras looked so good, that I tried them anyway, and I'm still here ... though I think they were a bit too acidic. However, this was my own error. Next time, I hope I'll remember not to add the baking soda! The verdict? I'll make this Kadhi Pakora again, but according to the recipe this time! 

Veg Recipes of India Website, Punjabi Kadhi Recipe

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