Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Egg Poached in Tomatoes & Zucchini

I thought something bright and cheerful was in order here, after a gloomy few days of weather. 

I seem to remember my grandma used to make me a simple dish of just tomatoes and zucchini, cooked together with some oil. That's the kind of delicious dishes she used to make for me: nothing fancy, but full of flavor and love.

I had zucchini, and a can of diced tomatoes, and olive oil. I put them all in a pan, and cooked them together on medium/medium-low, stirring every so often, for about 30-40 minutes. I had other things to do in the kitchen at the same time, so this was not a problem.

When the sauce was "done" to my liking, I cracked an egg into it, covered the pan, and cooked it on medium-low/low for about 10 minutes. I know that many recipes for Shakshouka call for the egg to cook less; it's personal preference here. (Shakshouka is a North African dish of tomatoes and peppers cooked together, as a base for poaching eggs in this manner.) You can use any leftover sauce for pasta, if you like.

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