Saturday, October 21, 2017

Apple Galette

This was inspired by a recent post of @crystal_e_rivera on Instagram. (The 2nd pic gives a look at the inside.) The difficult part for me is the pastry, which always seems to require butter ... which at least for now I can't eat (too rich 😐). And when I try oil-based pie-crust pastry, it never comes out quite right. I'm afraid this time, as well, even following a different recipe, the crust was a bit of a "fail": the outside was good, the inside got a little "wet." However, the apple filling was great, and I ate it with the "good crust." So, not too bad. I think next time, I might try a coconut oil-based pastry. Or would a strudel dough work as well? 

I realized, as I was filling the 2 small galettes, that there might be too much apple filling. Then I remembered that (IIRC) Smitten Kitchen, in a galette recipe on her site, mentioned ground almonds (to soak up the juice?). What I already had opened in the fridge, though, was ground hazelnuts ... so I used those, instead, to top the galettes. It occurred to me that maybe she meant that you could mix the almonds into the filling (rather than to top it), but it was too late by then to change what I was doing.  Anyway, I learned a lot from making these galettes, they are mostly pretty good, and the apple filling is great. 

Although I didn't use these actual recipes, I'll give the links here to: 

crystal_e_rivera Instagram, Apple Cheddar n Ham Galette 1 and 2

Smitten Kitchen Website, Nectarine Galette

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