Saturday, October 21, 2017

Baked Samosas (Indian Savory Turnovers)

The shell is a (preservative-free) store-bought tortilla, and the filling is Aval/Poha Upma (Indian pounded-rice with veggies). (For more details on the Upma, please see my recent post.) I used a flour-water paste to seal the folded tortillas, and baked the Samosas at 350 F for about 25 minutes. It's fairly easy to make Samosas like this, with ready-made tortillas and whatever dry leftovers you can find in the fridge.


  1. Would've never thought of using tortillas for samosa shells!

    1. I read it somewhere, and tried it once before a long time ago (with deep-frying) ... they were so good. So I thought, why not try with baking them?

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