Saturday, July 29, 2017

Gajar Halwa (Indian Carrot Pudding)

This is from the recipe of Suneeta Vaswani in Easy Indian Cooking. The ingredients are: carrots, whole milk, sugar, and ground cardamom, as well as coconut oil (in place of ghee). Basically, you cook the carrots in the milk until the carrots are done and the milk has reduced. Add the sugar and cardamom, and cook some more, until it's all thickened.

You're supposed to shred the carrots, but I just peel them. I discard the outer peel, and then just keep peeling them as much as I can. The part that can't be shredded, I cut up; it either goes in the Halwa, or in some other dish. (The first time I ever made this, I didn't have anything for shredding veggies, only a peeler. I found I liked that method, so I've continue to use it for this.)

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