Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Savory Vegetable Cake - Handvo

This kind of cake is from Gujarat in India. Recipe of Food Fashion Party. These were baked in a mini-bundt cake pan. This is a quick-and-easy version, that doesn't require hours of soaking dal/legumes and rice, grinding them, and then allowing them another few hours to ferment. It uses Handvo flour, and tells you how to make your own, if necessary. It uses a combination of baking powder and baking soda to instant-ferment the batter before baking. 

As I always find Handvo to be very heavy (that's just me), after mixing the basic batter together, I covered it and let it sit on the counter to ferment a bit (not part of the recipe). I meant it to be just an hour or so, but it ended up being more like 6 hours. Between that and the baking powder/soda, the Handvo was very light, and easy for me to eat. I'm sure I'll make it again! 

I used store-bought Handvo flour, and, for veggies, canned carrots. I like these carrots because they are very convenient. I just take them out of the can, mash them up (they're already very soft), and add them to the batter. (The carrot water from the can, I use for soup or rice or whatever, because it has a lot of vitamins.)

Food Fashion Party Facebook

Food Fashion Party Website, Instant Savory Vegetable Cake - Handvo

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