Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sfuf (A Lebanese Cake Delight)

Recipe from Lebanese Cuisine, by Madelain Farah. According to various websites, Sfuf/Sfouf is a traditional Lebanese cake, eggless, and colored yellow by turmeric; milk, vegan milk, or water is used to make a batter. This version, however, calls for a small amount of saffron (rather than turmeric), and makes a dough. It includes a generous amount of sugar and olive oil.

I actually used less sugar and olive oil, and it still seemed very rich, right after I baked it. Also, I was afraid I had overbaked it, and that it would turn into a brick by the next day. I covered the cake, and left it out on the table overnight. The next day, I was relieved to find that the cake seemed much less rich, and also that it had softened (like a biscuit might). I really enjoyed it over the next few days. I need some more saffron, so I can make it again! 

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