Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Aloo Samosas (Spicy Potato Turnovers)

from Andrea Nguyen's Asian Dumplings. This is the first recipe I've made from this book, although I've had it for a while. When I've read through it before, I've felt intimidated ... I wouldn't be able to make many of the dumplings according to the recipes, because I don't/can't eat some of the filling ingredients, or because I can't eat deep-fried items, etc. So, I decided to start out with something more familiar, like these Samosas.

I used coconut oil in the pastry, but made the filling (which is fabulous on its own) much like the recipe. The directions for making the pastry and filling, and assembling them together, were very clear. The original recipe called for deep-frying (which is always such a yummy way to make them). I sprayed the Samosas with oil, and baked them at 350 F for 35-40 minutes (turning them over once, halfway through). They were dee-licious! And the leftovers reheated well in the toaster oven. 😍 Awesome recipe! 😊

Next time, I may try baking them at 375 F. Or pan-frying them. (I once used spring-roll wrappers for Samosas, and pan-fried them. I know, that's unusual for Samosas, but it turned out well that time.) 

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