Sunday, September 10, 2017

Toast topped with 
Date Syrup (Silan/Dibs al-Tamar) 
& Tahini

The toast on the left is with the toppings combined, and the toast on the right shows the two before being combined. I was inspired by Cooking for Fun's description a while ago on Instagram, of bread with tahini and date syrup, as similar to a Middle Eastern peanut-butter-and-jelly combination. (I hope I'm remembering that right!) I couldn't try it then, as I had no date syrup available. The tahini has a nutty taste here, and the date syrup makes it taste better, I think.

Cooking for Fun's helpful comments, on how best to enjoy this, were : 1) don't overmix, and 2) just add a little of the syrup, so you can enjoy the taste of both.

Cooking_for_Fun_Page Instagram, Tahini Paste & Date Syrup

Cooking for Fun Facebook 

Cooking for Fun YouTube

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