Thursday, March 22, 2018

Instant Rava Toast
(Eggless Indian Savory French Toast)

This was from the recipe of Something's Cooking with Alpa. Basically, rava/sooji/semolina/cream of wheat is mixed with yogurt, spices, and veggies. The mixture is spread on a piece of bread, and fried on a griddle on both sides. (Though the recipe calls for butter, I used my usual oil.) Very yummy! When I ran out of bread, I just fried the remaining rava topping as a pancake (1st photo).

This is a great use for leftover bread. For example, I like Calabrese Italian bread from the store, which is oval; sometimes I have to be creative to use the much smaller slices left at the end. That's what is featured here, with defrosted frozen chopped veggies (mirepoix mix = onion, carrot, celery; and green bell pepper).

Something's Cooking with Alpa Website, Instant Rava Toast Recipe -- Open toast sandwich 

Something's Cooking with Alpa YouTube, Instant Rava Toast Recipe -- Open toast sandwich

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