Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sooji/Suji/Rava Cheela

(Indian Savory Cream of Wheat Griddlecake)

This is based on a recipe from Priya Vantalu on YouTube.  A cheela is an Indian griddlecake, sort of like a crepe. The photo shows how I topped it with some leftover Baingan Bharta (Indian mashed roasted eggplant and tomato). Quite yummy. 

This version contains sooji/rava (like Cream of Wheat), plain yogurt, fresh ginger, dried cilantro, salt, and baking soda, as well as the last of the leftover bhaji veggies from the other day (tomato, onion, and green bell pepper). I mixed the sooji, yogurt, and water together, and left it for two hours (longer than in the recipe), as I hoped that would make a lighter batter. I then added all the other ingredients, and cooked it with as little oil as I could get away with. (I still wanted it to be tasty and somewhat crispy; I just can't eat too much rich food.)

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