Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tahini Carrot Appetizer

This is from a recipe of Heghineh's Kitchen. I peeled a 1-lb bag of carrots, cut them into chunks, and mixed them with some olive oil and coarse salt. (Maybe I didn't need the salt? I'm new to roasting veggies like this.) I roasted them on a parchment-lined baking sheet in a preheated 425 F oven, for 15 minutes; after stirring around the carrots, I put them back for another 10-15 minutes. I took them out, mixed them with Heghineh's tahini sauce, and then put them back in for another few minutes. After that, they were definitely done, and I tried them. Yummy! I really like all the different flavors that came together with the carrot. 

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