Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Hortopitakia (Greek Savory Turnovers with Spinach & Herbs),
with Homemade Phyllo Dough

Both of these recipes are courtesy of Kouzouna's Kitchen. The shape was supposed to be more like half-moons, but at least they didn't fall apart, and were yummy from the filling. I fried them in a pan, with more oil than I would usually use, but not too much.

For the filling, I used leftover chopped spinach and kale, already cooked with some onion, and later frozen. I cooked another whole chopped onion according to the directions, added the greens, and then some salt, cumin, and Italian seasoning. (Use what you have, they say.)

I made the phyllo dough on Saturday, according to the directions, in a stand-mixer, and put it in the fridge to sit overnight. It ended up that I didn't get a chance to use it until yesterday. Somehow, the dough was very sticky -- but that's what flour is for. The main problem was, it was still fairly elastic. After thinking about it, I wonder if the vinegar used to "relax" the dough, was too old.

Kouzouna's Kitchen Website, Hortopitakia: Savory Turnovers with Spinach & Herbs

Kouzouna's Kitchen Website, Scratch Made Phyllo Dough

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