Thursday, June 15, 2017

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Throwback Thursday, back to: January 2015. Chocolate Chip Cookies (with oil, not butter), the entire batch of dough baked in a deep glass pie plate. Afterwards, I cut it into small squares. It was easier, at the time, than baking dozens of single cookies. 

My earliest posts to this blog, last autumn, included photos taken on my current tablet. These were followed by photos taken on both my camera and my phone. Most of my previous tbt (Throwback Thursday) posts have included tablet photos not included originally in my feed, or featured again because I thought you might like to see them. Recently, I remembered photos from my old tablet, which I'd shared on my personal Instagram account, but not here. This is the first of these, and I'm sharing it here today because I thought we could all use some chocolate chip cookies this week!  I only ask that you excuse me, as for many of these photos, I don't have many details on which recipe I used.

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