Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Kolokithokeftedes (Greek Baked Squash Fritters)

These are from the recipe of Mia Kouppa. I'd been wondering what to do with the frozen squash, and then I saw this recipe, and knew. I figured it would be less squash than specified in the recipe, so I adjusted the amount of ingredients as best I could. I used some frozen homemade paneer (Indian cheese) instead of feta, which I didn't have. I got 18 fritters from what seemed a small amount of squash, which was nice. I didn't think of this as being healthy, just yummy and homey.

Mia Kouppa Facebook

Mia Kouppa Website, Baked Squash Fritters (Κολοκυθοκεφτέδες)

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