Sunday, March 19, 2017

Gobhi Matar Mini Samosas 

(baked turnovers, with a filling of cauliflower and green peas) 

These samosas are from an Archana's Kitchen recipe. I took one bite, and decided these are awesome! The filling, which I made the day before, is sweet and spicy at the same time. The pastry is very flaky, but the dough didn't require much work at all. I think I need more practice making this small size samosa with this method. Next time, I might make twice as much pastry, and make larger samosas. That should help with the shape. No help is needed with the flavor or texture, both of which are awesome! 

I left the garam masala out of the filling, as it looked to be seasoned very well without it (and I have to be careful not to get too much spice). I can't have butter, so there's no ghee in the pastry. However, I've been experimenting recently with coconut oil, and that's what I used here, instead.

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