Thursday, March 30, 2017

Manga Pachadi (Mango Chutney)

This recipe is from Julie Sahni's Classic Indian Vegetarian & Grain Cooking. One mango made a large amount of chutney; it's perfect for freezing small portions for another time. It's sweet (with brown sugar in place of jaggery), and spicy at the same time. You can have it with an Indian meal, or on bread instead of jam. I've tried both ways, and both are yummy! This chutney is nice to add a pleasant kick to your day. 

I left out the fresh green chilis, so it wouldn't be too hot, but did include some whole dry red peppers in the tempering with the mustard seeds. Those dry peppers always smell sweet, even though they are spicy; the last time I made this chutney (without peppers), it was rather sweet -- so I thought their inclusion would just balance the sweet sugar.

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