Monday, March 20, 2017

Thai Curry Potato Soup 

This soup is from a Foxes Love Lemons recipe. It was fantastic! I had it with some fresh-squeezed lemon juice, and homemade bread (not pictured here). It was well-spiced, but not too hot for me (as I have to be a bit careful with that). All the ingredients just melded so well together. A real winner! 

Based on what I can't/don't have, I substituted the following: rasam powder for curry powder, water for chicken broth, and storebought Thai red curry paste for sambal oelek. Also, for some reason, I don't know why, I don't really like very smooth, blender-ed soups, so I skipped putting the soup through a blender. I did mash the potatoes in the soup with a spoon, however, and they melted right in. Yummy!

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