Monday, March 13, 2017

Savory Hamantashen (cookie-pastries) with Spicy Eggplant Filling

I was inspired by all the savory-hamantashen pics I've been seeing lately online, and had some leftover Baingan Bharta (Indian mashed eggplant and tomato) handy in the freezer. The dough and method is actually from the Kitchen Tested recipe for Easy Hamantaschen Dough; I left out the sugar and added a little more salt. I decided to use it, over a different dough that required refrigeration, because I didn't have enough time for that. Usually when I experiment like this, I'm lucky if the result is edible. I was quite delighted when the hamantashen turned out to be delicious, and the pastry, very flaky! This dough is not only easy to make, but also versatile. 

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