Thursday, March 23, 2017


These are like stuffed corn tortillas made from masa harina corn flour, and which are popular in El Salvador. The package of masa harina which I bought recently at the supermarket, mentioned that this flour could be used in a variety of yummies, including "pupusas." I looked it up, and decided to try it. As I get tired easily and as I have to be careful what I eat, I couldn't make it this time the proper way, with traditional fillings and with the usual accompaniments. I decided to use as filling, the leftover spiced cauliflower and green peas from the Gobhi Matar Mini Samosas, pictured a couple of days ago. I had exactly enough filling for the amount of masa (dough) that I made!

I think everything went well regarding cooking them (except for burning the pan), but I'm not sure if these look like real pupusas, as I've never had any before. I made the first few without any oil, as I've heard is traditional -- which is why the pan was burned a bit -- and the last ones with a minimal amount of oil. I did enjoy them, but have been wondering since then if they look like they're supposed to. They remind me of what I imagine stuffed makki roti (Indian flatbread made of corn) would look like. 

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