Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ramen/Chuka Soba Noodles 
with Pizza Sauce

One time, a few weeks ago, I just wanted something simple for dinner. I really like these noodles, which are basically just plain ramen noodles (not fried, no flavor packet), and cook just as quickly (about 3 minutes). Once they were cooked, I mixed in some store-bought pizza sauce, and cooked it all together a little. This is the result. You can add your favorite veggies or proteins to make a meal.

"'Ramen' or 'Chuka Soba,' That is the question!" on

Thursday, November 23, 2017

(Greek Rice Pudding) 
Ice Cream

The Rizogalo recipe is courtesy Kouzounas Kitchen, and makes more than enough to freeze for later. Now, I really like rice puddings that have been frozen and then thawed in the fridge; maybe it makes them seem creamier? This time, I thought, why not try rice pudding as ice cream, and eat it while it's still frozen? It made for a very nice ice cream!

Kouzounas Kitchen Facebook 

Kouzounas Kitchen Website, Traditional Rizogalo Recipe (Greek Rice Pudding)

Kouzounas Kitchen Website, Rizogalo (Greek Rice Pudding) [vegan, with coconut milk]

Kouzounas Kitchen Website, Instant Pot Rizogalo Recipe

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Aloo Palak Dal 
(Spiced Potato Spinach Lentils)

This is based on the recipe of Vegan Richa. This was the first dish (vs individual veggies) that I made in the Instant Pot.

I left out the garlic and green chili, and used red lentils/masoor dal. I made the lentils first; when they were done, I stirred them, and they completely fell apart. (This was based on the advice that Vegan Richa had kindly given me.) While they were cooking, I cooked, on the stove, some canned tomatoes with spices, and I also cut up potatoes. (I included an extra potato.) I had thawed some pureed spinach which I'd frozen before.

Eventually, everything was added to the Instant Pot, and cooked according to the recipe. I did add a bit too much water, I think. However, the results were very warm, homey, and comforting in the cold weather, accompanied by a toasted half-pita bread.

Vegan Richa Facebook

Vegan Richa Website, Instant Pot Aloo Palak Dal

Khichdi, or Khichari 
(Red Lentils & Rice)

This is a nourishing Indian comfort food. I made plain masoor dal/red lentils (which turn yellow), to test out the Instant Pot. I did add some chunks of fresh ginger, to help make the dal lighter. After the dal finished cooking, I stirred it, as someone had advised, and the dal just fell apart. (For me, this is great, as this is exactly what I need, for health reasons.) Next, since that worked out nicely, I made some rice separately (on the stovetop), and flavored it with a simple tempering of oil turmeric, and cumin seeds. I did also add salt, at some point. For a meal, I mixed dal with the rice, for Khichdi, and accompanied it with yogurt. Normally, dal and rice are cooked together in this dish, and I'll probably do that next time. For this time, though, I was happy to have it like this.

Sandwich of 
Steamed Carrots 
& Paneer (Indian cheese)

The sandwich is seasoned with salt and dried Italian herb seasoning. This was a nice way to use leftovers, for a quick and nourishing meal.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Devil's Food Chocolate Bundt Cakelets

Throwback to May, and Devil's Food Chocolate Bundt Cakelets, for #nationalbundtday.

(Greek Eggplant Dip)

This is based on the recipe of Mia Kouppa. Here, it's featured on toast. I managed to get a quick pic, as I didn't think my other pic did justice to it. (Please see the last post, if you would like more details.) This is another dish that just gets better the next day. I noticed that it's actually a little sweet; I'm not sure if that's from the roasted eggplant, or the roasted onion. I like it on toast, and also mixed into rice.

Mia Kouppa Facebook

Mia Kouppa Website, Eggplant Dip (Melitzanosalata)

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

(Greek Eggplant Dip)

This was based on the recipe of Mia Kouppa. I had this on my "to-do" list, and eggplants were on sale at the supermarket recently. I bought two, and decided to roast both in the oven at the same time. The smaller one became this dip.

I used dried Italian herb seasoning, in place of the dried Greek oregano and fresh parsley, as that's what I had. I used lemon juice instead of vinegar, as vinegar in something like this isn't good for me. The most problematic was the garlic included in the recipe; garlic, much of the time, isn't very good for me, so I never cook with it. Normally, I just leave it out, and it's not a problem. However, this time, it seemed an integral part of the dip. Then I thought, Why not roast an onion? So, I wrapped a small onion in foil, and put it on the same baking tray as the eggplants. Part of that onion substituted for the garlic.

I decided to bake the dip, after it was all together. I oiled the dish first, added the dip, then added a thin layer of oil, before putting it on a baking tray at 375 F for 10-20 minutes. (I didn't record the time.) This is what I always do with Hummus, too, whether I make it or buy it at the store. The more cooked things are, the better they are for me. Anyway, I liked this dish, and I liked it even more the next day! There's so much flavor. It's nice to have another eggplant recipe for those times that eggplants are on sale.

Mia Kouppa Facebook

Mia Kouppa Website, Eggplant Dip (Melitzanosalata)

Monday, November 13, 2017

Hazelnut Cake, 

This is based on the Walnut Cake (Karydopita) of Mia Kouppa. When I mentioned that I don't like walnuts (I wish I did! 😄), Mia Kouppa kindly advised that I could try using hazelnuts, instead, for a different kind of cake. I had some ground hazelnuts in the fridge, and so, cake it was. The directions were easy: just mix everything together!

The baked cake is soaked in a syrup, and left to cool. When I went to taste it in the evening, I was a bit nervous that maybe I'd added too much lemon juice to the syrup. I've mostly used hazelnuts before only with something chocolatey. Plus, I had been afraid the recipe would be too rich for me, as written, and so I'd made a half-recipe only, but used one fewer egg and less sugar. I thought, Oh, did I ruin this lovely cake?

The next day, I tried a little more, and it was so good! I could understand how it would be great with walnuts. I had a little more still later, and decided that this is one cake that improves over time. I don't like to experiment too much, because when I veer off the recipe, it doesn't always turn out well. Fortunately, this time, it did!

Mia Kouppa Facebook 

Mia Kouppa Website, Walnut Cake (Karydopita)

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Toasted Pita Sandwich, 
filled with Egg, Mashed Potato, 
& Paneer (Indian cheese)

Here, instant mashed potato was mixed with Paneer, salt, and seasoning, and spread in a half-pita. I placed a bit of scrambled egg on the mixture, and put the whole thing in the toaster oven until the bread was browned. (When it cools, the pita crisps up. You can even break up toasted pita, into "pita chips"!) Simple, yet filling. 

(South Indian Potato-Veggie Dumplings)

I based this mostly on the recipe in Julie Sahni's Classic Indian Vegetarian and Grain Cooking. I used leftover instant mashed potato here. However, instead of just mashed potato, I also included frozen mixed veggies, defrosted and steamed in the microwave, and then put through a food processor. After the potato and veggies were mixed together, I dipped small portions in a chickpea-flour batter. These are usually deep-fried, but I cooked them in an ebelskiver pan. The dumplings were a little watery, so they weren't crispy, but I didn't care! I fried the leftover batter, too. Why not? 


These were steamed in the Instant Pot for about 4 minutes. I waited after that about 10 minutes, before releasing the rest of the pressure and opening it. This was almost a pound of carrots (minus the one that looked bad). I also like to roast carrots in the oven ... but then, they always get a little overdone in spots, in order for them to be cooked enough. I don't mind, but thought I would try steaming for a a change. It worked well, and the carrots were done enough for me. (I can't eat veggies unless they're very well-cooked. I often just boil them in water, as soup, for that very reason.) Now, how shall I eat them? ... The other day, I mashed some with Paneer (Indian cheese) and salt, and used it in a sandwich.

Sooji Upma 
(South Indian Savory Porridge)

This was made from sooji/rava/farina/semolina (like Cream of Wheat). This is based on the recipe of @justagirlfrommumbai as seen on a recent Instagram Story, as well as her website. I think I added a little too much turmeric! (which changed the color). Also, I have to grind up cashews, so you can't see them here. However, that has nothing to do with the taste. This dish was warm and comforting, as well as nourishing. It's excellent with yogurt.

Just a Girl from Aamchi Mumbai Website, Another Breakfast Post - Sooji Upma

 with Mashed Potatoes 
& Paneer (Indian cheese)

The tortillas puffed up a little bit, and I noticed that the one I was about to eat, had a nice pocket, just right for stuffing. The tortillas were made from masa harina, Latin American nixtamalized corn flour. I wanted to make them for a #tacotuesday, but I guess we can call it TortillaTuesday, instead. (The tortillas were too small to fold around a filling.) This was my first time making corn tortillas! 

Zeera Aloo 
(Potatoes with Cumin Seeds)

I made this using the leftover cooked potatoes featured in the last post. The simple yet yummy recipe is from Suvir Saran in Indian Home Cooking. After I made the potatoes in my new Instant Pot, I kept thinking of that recipe, so I had to make it. I basically stir-fried the potatoes in oil and cumin seeds, until they were browned, and then added some salt. That's all! It went well with some toast, leftover dal (Indian legumes), and whole-milk yogurt. 

Suvir Saran Facebook


The humble potato was the first thing I made in my new Instant Pot. The experience went well, once I realized that the steam coming out meant I'd forgotten to attach the sealing ring! Once everything was put together properly, all was well. (Now you see why I've always been nervous about using pressure cookers!) The potatoes, once done, were melting soft, just as they were; I had some as an early-afternoon snack. Yummy! Now I can have it as mashed potatoes, or stir-fried with spices, or ... and it will cook quickly if used as an ingredient in another dish. I also kept the water that it was cooked in, for soup. Yay! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017


The Pizza was topped with store-bought sauce & homemade Paneer (Indian cheese). This is the Paneer I referred to, in my last post. I used 3 cups of a p flour, 2 tsp active-dry yeast, 2 tsp salt, 2 Tbsp olive oil, and about a cup of warm water, for the dough, which was enough for 2 small-medium-ish pizzas of the size you see here. I baked the crust, with the sauce, at 475 F, for about 13 minutes; took it from the oven, and topped it with the Paneer; and then returned it to the oven to bake for a few more minutes. Although I really like the smell of pizzas from out of the house -- too rich, with oil and cheese, for me to actually eat them -- I also really enjoy my own homemade pizzas.  I think that when I reheat the leftovers in the toaster oven, I may add some extra pizza sauce.