Saturday, December 3, 2016

Chickpea Fritter Puffs (Falafel)

These tasty bite-size "falafel" are made of chickpea/garbanzo bean flour, based on recipes of Fifteen Spatulas on YouTube, and Bob's Red Mill. You could call this a simplified version of falafel, as there are no actual whole chickpeas to soak and grind, and they aren't deep-fried. They do really puff up, and are simple to make. I think I'll have to make them again soon! Ooh, they could be a tasty veggie burger option, too!

Fifteen Spatulas Website, Chickpea Fritter Puffs (Falafel)

Fifteen Spatulas YouTube, Chickpea Fritter Puffs (Falafel)

Bob's Red Mill Website, Falafel Patties

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