Monday, February 27, 2017

Caramel Chai Abstract Art Buns,

with Vegan Caramel

These are based on the yummyness that is Cupcakes & Curries' Caramel Chai Hot Cross Buns (Instagram, Feb. 18). The caramel used is that of A Virtual Vegan in her Vegan Chocolate Caramels (Instagram, Feb. 13).

I'd read that some people like to make smiley faces, instead of crosses, on their hot cross buns. That seemed such a nice idea, that could cheer up anyone not having a good day, that I thought I'd try it. Unfortunately, I didn't pay close enough attention to the part of the recipe, that says the flour-and-water paste shouldn't be too runny -- and so the smiley faces became more like abstract art. It didn't affect the taste, fortunately.

As I can't eat certain things because they are too rich for me, I had to make some substitutes. Instead of milk, butter, and caramel with cream, I used water, oil, and vegan caramel. What was important to me, is that I was able to bake these yummies that I can enjoy for a few days. (I stashed a few in the freezer.) Yay! 

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