Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wild-Blueberry Yogurt Muffin, with Spiced Lentil Patties

The muffin is from the same batter as the mini-cake whose photo I posted recently (Jan.27), and the lentil patties are among the last of the Supper with Michelle's recipe that I had frozen (photo from Jan. 24). I spread a little coconut oil on the muffin, and somehow, that really brought out the muffin's flavor and sweetness. I squeezed a few drops of fresh lemon juice on the lentil patties. Doing this brought a tropical and Mediterranean feel to a day that's been cold and snowy! 

Supper with Michelle Website, Spiced Lentil Patties 

Supper with Michelle Facebook

Amazon Website, Mom's Big Book of Baking

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