Sunday, February 12, 2017

Potato, Cauliflower, & Onion Soup

This dish is based on a Supper with Michelle recipe for Potato, Cauliflower, & Leek Soup, of Jan. 26. (Accompanying the soup here, is some of the pizza topped with fresh tomato slices, from my photo of a couple days ago. Another time, it was some of the Veggie Bites pictured yesterday.) It was another fabulous recipe! The soup was warm and very comforting, during the cold weather. 

I usually have to be careful what I eat, and so I often have to modify recipes. In this case, I used some onions instead of leeks, and less oil, and left out the garlic and half-&-half. I wasn't sure that flour would work so well with so little oil, so I used some potato flour to thicken the soup. I mixed in some creamy whole-milk yogurt to the soup while eating. I would rather have had the original, but I really enjoyed this version (especially with the pizza). Yummy! 

Supper with Michelle Website, Potato, Cauliflower, & Leek Soup

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