Saturday, February 11, 2017

Veggie Bites

These were made with a filling of mashed cannellini beans, mixed veggies, and spices. This is based on the YouTube video of Cooking for Fun, of Stuffed Pizza, Zaatar, & Cheese Rolls. The previous photo from today is of a Veggie Bite that turned out looking like it should, more or less. This photo here is of one of the first ones I stuffed, and I was very disappointed with it, before I baked them. But then, strangely, after it was baked, I thought that this one seemed the most photogenic of them all, somehow.  I made sure to take a picture -- just before I ate it, to find that it tasted just as good as all the others! 😉😄 The lesson I learned is, it's okay if what you made isn't perfect, as long as it tastes good. 💡😃

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