Sunday, February 12, 2017

Baida Roti (Egg Paratha)-style Pizza 

I had 2 slices left of the Pizza with Fresh Tomato Slices (No Sauce) (Feb. 10 photo), and wanted to eat it with some egg, for protein. (Normally, I might make a cheese-less pizza, and then add a little cheese when I reheat it in the toaster oven.) I remembered the scrumptious-looking Egg Parathas that @thegutlessfoodie on Instagram makes for breakfast sometimes, and thought that was ideal.

So, I scrambled an egg well, in a bowl, and then poured it into a frying pan heated with a little olive oil. I then placed the pieces of pizza, upside-down, in the egg, until that side of the egg was done. I may also have turned it over after that; not quite sure. I cut the egg into 3 about-equal portions (one each with its pizza, and the last one, I ate with a slice of the other pizza I'd made (Feb. 2nd photo)). Wow, I really like that method! Wonder what else it works with? Hopefully, I'll be able to try it some time with actual parathas! 

The Gutless Foodie Facebook 

@theGutlessFoodie Instagram, 31 Dec. 2016 

@theGutlessFoodie Instagram, 10 Feb. 2017

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