Sunday, February 19, 2017

Chocolate Mahalabia (Creamy Chocolate Pudding)

This recipe is from SmileyGirl230's Feb 1st video on YouTube. In the photo, I sprinkled some ground hazelnuts and some mini-chocolate chips on the pudding, but it really needs no adornment. I made it early in the afternoon, and to give it time to chill, had to wait until after dinner to try it. At the first taste, I thought, "Oh my gosh, this is the best pudding I've ever had!" It's very thick and creamy, and smelled so chocolatey while it was cooling on the table, before I put it away in the fridge. Yummy! 

SmileyGirl230 YouTube, How to Make Chocolate Mahalabia (Creamy Chocolate Pudding)

SmileyGirl230 Facebook

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